An experienced digital workplace implementation expert and adviser on workplace agility who has delivered complex projects for large organisations all around the world

Cerys is driven to create new organisational realities through practical action. Frustrated by the traditional consulting model that leaves behind too many slides and not enough change, she is on a mission to create delivery practices that focus on value, action and visible evolution within large, complex orgs.

She loves to continually address new challenges, crossing disciplines to bring innovative approaches to organisational transformation.

She specialises in bringing clarity to complex, emerging environments through sharing ideas and approaches as an educator, coaching, role modelling & advocating for new ways of working, as well as breaking down impossible goals into manageable pieces and just getting started.

Natural habitat:

Under the sea, scuba diving with sharks


Coffee, books and shipwrecks

Bad habit:

Bringing too much reality to a room full of creative thinkers


Wild swimming, scuba diving, hiking coastal paths


Selected Blog Posts

The cult of bare minimum learning

The cult of bare minimum learning

The past few years have seen an increasing investment in solving the growing digital skills gap within organisations. There are pockets of employees, even in leadership, who adopt learned helplessness with a chuckle - as if it is OK to lead in the digital age without...

What Does it Mean to Move From Projects to Products?

What Does it Mean to Move From Projects to Products?

As organisations work through the transformation efforts needed for increased agility, some of the required mindset shifts can easily be forgotten in the flush of initial speed, breaking things (with permission 😉 ) and training - and then abandoned. One mindset that...

Siloed Capability Development Cancels Out Transformation Advantage

Siloed Capability Development Cancels Out Transformation Advantage

How can we work to build a truly developmental organisation, allowing new capability development to be for everyone, not just those closest to the customer? With any transformation effort, it makes sense to target meaningful organisational capabilities rather than...

Lessons For Emerging Leadership Development

Lessons For Emerging Leadership Development

In this edition, Cerys looks at what emerging leaders need when faced with the challenge of building the future of their organisations. Being identified as an emerging leader is both a proud and daunting moment for many - stepping into a sliver of limelight before...

Leadership Mindsets for the Digital Age

Leadership Mindsets for the Digital Age

This week’s curator Cerys Hearsey, explores the mindset needed for leading digital change in large organisations, and how this manifests into three different scales of thinking. The early days of digital change within organisations highlighted how essential the role...