An experienced digital workplace implementation expert and adviser on workplace agility who has delivered complex projects for large organisations all around the world

Cerys is driven to create new organisational realities through practical action. Frustrated by the traditional consulting model that leaves behind too many slides and not enough change, she is on a mission to create delivery practices that focus on value, action and visible evolution within large, complex orgs.

She loves to continually address new challenges, crossing disciplines to bring innovative approaches to organisational transformation.

She specialises in bringing clarity to complex, emerging environments through sharing ideas and approaches as an educator, coaching, role modelling & advocating for new ways of working, as well as breaking down impossible goals into manageable pieces and just getting started.

Natural habitat:

Under the sea, scuba diving with sharks


Coffee, books and shipwrecks

Bad habit:

Bringing too much reality to a room full of creative thinkers


Wild swimming, scuba diving, hiking coastal paths


Selected Blog Posts

Live from the Drucker Forum: Key Management Challenges

Live from the Drucker Forum: Key Management Challenges

Back in June of this year, some of us at Post*Shift entered the Drucker Challenge, an essay competition linked to the related Drucker Forum. Ea & I were delighted to find that our essays were selected amongst the top ten entries, and we are excited to find...

Four Key Lessons on Trust & Transparency from Volkswagen

Four Key Lessons on Trust & Transparency from Volkswagen

Although not strictly an Internet of Things (IoT) issue, the Volkswagen scandal that broke last week, revealing that Volkswagen had used software embedded in over 11 million vehicles to fool EPA testing for nitrogen oxide (NOx), and in the process pumping over a...

Reflections from Denmark on Digital Transformation

Reflections from Denmark on Digital Transformation

I had a blast presenting at the Headstart Morning Seminar as part of Internet Week Denmark, hosted in Aarhus this week. Since we have blogged about the major ideas I covered before here and here, I thought I would instead draw inspiration from the questions and...

The 8 components that drive high Enterprise Social adoption

The 8 components that drive high Enterprise Social adoption

This post was updated 08.11.16 I've previously written on the characteristics of mature approaches to enterprise social networks - those that we see driving real transformation in business. But to reach these levels of transformation, companies have to start from...

Key Characteristics of a Mature Social Platform Implementation

Key Characteristics of a Mature Social Platform Implementation

This post was updated 08.11.16 Most organisations now have some form of ESN in place and a scattering appears to progress the 8 components of successful ESN user adoption that I discussed in another article.  Having worked with organisations on social...