Interesting things we have found this week about building 21st Century business

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McKinsey on what’s wrong with existing organisational structures and why global organisations are under pressure to innovate in this area.

A good review of Laloux’s book ‘Re-inventing Organisations’ that summarises why workers do not always need managers.

Some thoughts on how networks require alternative management practices.



A helicopter view from Surowiecki on the digital future and its challenges (video).

90% of new cars will have mobile connectivity by 2020, which will create demand for new technology and potentially disrupt the value chain.

Amazon’s latest move to dominate the business of anything-that-can-be-delivered.



How a new initiative by IDEO and Roger Martin could transform government and future organisations with design thinking.

By surveying 1000+ employees, this study mapped the individuals’ ability to collaborate in the organisation.

protected space and playful processes enabled Tetra Pak to create their breakthrough product.



Soapboxes in cyberspace: how can the media facilitate debate online? (2007)