Linklog 70: Micro-services as an Analogy for Small Teams

This week’s curator, Lee Bryant, looks at how we can identify and solve some of the scaling problems that small-team-based organisational structures faec as they grow; he also shares some related guides from Shift*Base and picks 5 links for further reading on the...

Linklog 69: Small Teams as an Organising Principle

This week’s curator, Lee Bryant, looks at the debate around small teams and the ‘team of teams’ idea, shares some related guides from Shift*Base and picks 5 links for further reading on the topic. Small teams as an organising principle The Economist this week...

Linklog 66: Digital transformation, IoT and change

  FROM POST*SHIFT Enterprise Social Networks: A Higher Purpose?   DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Turning products into platforms. Digital Transformation requires total organisational commitment. Moving Digital Transformation from experimentation to full cultural...

Linklog 65: Digital Transformation, IoT & Future of work.

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION Thoughts on the evolution of the digital era. How DT affect’s a shift in skill requirements. From an industrial economy to a digital one.   INTERNET OF THINGS The IoT’s affect on things. How secure is IoT? Who’s to blame...

Linklog 64: Ways of working, leadership & startups

  WAYS OF WORKING Practical steps to achieve a new L&D mindset and approach. Tim O’Reilly’s 2009 piece on working on stuff that matters is still good advice in 2016. Is order essential? Another critique of Holacracy.   SOME STEPS TO...