The McChrystal Group’s Chief of Staff Summit, held virtually in 2020, provided insights into the evolving role of the Chief of Staff (CoS). The role, traditionally associated with politics and military, is now becoming more prevalent in the corporate world. The CoS role, as identified by the summit, is a blend of strategy, execution, and leadership, with the primary aim of enhancing the effectiveness of the CEO or leader they support.

The summit underscored the importance of the CoS role in managing crises, with an emphasis on the current COVID-19 pandemic. The CoS is expected to be a crisis leader, with the ability to adapt and pivot quickly.

The summit also highlighted the need for CoS to be a ‘connector’ within organisations, fostering collaboration and communication across various departments. This role is seen as critical in driving organisational success.

The summit concluded that the CoS role is a stepping stone to leadership, offering a unique perspective on the organisation. It is a role that requires a balance of hard and soft skills, with the ability to influence without authority. The summit’s participants agreed that the role is challenging but rewarding, and is set to become even more vital in the future.

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