Donella Meadows, a renowned environmental scientist, is celebrated for her work in systems thinking, a discipline that examines how parts of a system interact to influence the whole. She argued that the world is a complex system of interconnected elements, each influencing the other. Focusing on individual parts without considering the wider system can lead to unintended consequences.

One of Meadows’ significant contributions is the ’12 Leverage Points’, a list of places in a system where a small shift can cause significant change. The list ranges from ‘constants, parameters, and numbers’, which are the weakest points, to ‘the power to transcend paradigms’, the most potent leverage point.

Meadows also emphasised the importance of resilience over stability, arguing that the ability to adapt to change is more crucial than maintaining a steady state. She warned against the ‘trap of policy resistance’, where policies aimed at stabilising a system can lead to its eventual collapse.

Lastly, Meadows believed in the power of visioning, the act of creating and holding a shared vision of a better future. She argued that without a clear, shared vision, society is susceptible to fluctuating between short-term fixes and long-term goals, leading to inconsistency and instability.

Overall, Meadows’ work underscores the importance of approaching problems holistically, focusing on resilience, and the power of shared visioning.

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