Holacracy, an organisational structure that shifts power from a management hierarchy to distributed teams, was the focus of an introductory workshop. Participants experienced a powerful demonstration of its potential through role-play scenarios. One participant, acting as a ‘Lead Link’, experienced the challenge of not having traditional managerial authority, instead facilitating the team’s work and decision-making process.
The workshop also highlighted the importance of the ‘Tactical Meeting’, a key element in Holacracy. This meeting format, designed to quickly address operational issues, was found to be effective and efficient. The participants noted the meeting’s focus on actions and next steps, rather than discussion and consensus, which allowed for swift decision-making.
Holacracy’s ‘Governance Meeting’ was another focus, where participants experienced the process of proposing changes to roles, policies, and accountabilities. This meeting highlighted the system’s adaptability, allowing the organisation to evolve organically.
The workshop also touched on the psychological aspects of Holacracy. By distributing power, it encourages personal growth and responsibility, fostering a sense of empowerment among team members. Participants left with a deeper understanding of Holacracy’s potential for creating a dynamic, responsive, and empowering organisational structure.
Go to source article: http://www.evolvingorganisation.com/a-powerful-experience-of-holacracy-in-action-report-from-an-introductory-workshop/