Designing for a new humanism involves a shift in perspective, from an anthropocentric to a biocentric viewpoint. This means considering not just human needs, but the needs of all life forms. It’s about designing systems and products that are not only useful and efficient for humans, but also beneficial to the environment and other species.

The concept of biocentrism advocates for a more holistic approach to design, considering the interdependence of all living things. This involves the application of biomimicry, using nature as a model and mentor in design, as well as regenerative design, creating systems that restore, renew, or revitalise their own sources of energy.

Designing for new humanism also involves the concept of ‘enough’, challenging the current consumerist culture of ‘more’. It encourages creating products that are durable, repairable, and designed with their end-of-life in mind, promoting a circular economy.

Finally, new humanism design recognises the importance of diversity and inclusivity. It advocates for designing for all, not just the ‘average’ user, considering factors such as age, gender, disability, and cultural background. By adopting these principles, we can move towards a more sustainable, equitable, and inclusive future.

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