Mercedes Bunz’s exploration of digital culture and technology highlights the concept of ‘post-digital’. This term encapsulates the idea that digital technology has become so ingrained in our lives that it is no longer seen as novel or disruptive. It has become a common part of our everyday existence. The term ‘post-digital’ also implies a shift in our relationship with technology. We no longer simply use it; we live with it, and it shapes our experiences and interactions.

Bunz further discusses the implications of this shift. She points out that the post-digital era is characterised by the blurring of boundaries between the physical and digital worlds. This convergence has given rise to phenomena such as augmented reality and the Internet of Things, which integrate digital technology into our physical environment.

The post-digital era also brings challenges. As digital technology becomes more pervasive, issues of privacy, security, and control become more pressing. Bunz suggests that we need to develop new ways of thinking and acting to navigate this complex landscape.

Finally, Bunz underscores the importance of understanding the post-digital era. It’s not just about acknowledging the omnipresence of digital technology, but also about recognising its impact on our lives and society. This understanding, she argues, is crucial for shaping our future in a post-digital world.

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