Zappos, the online shoe and clothing retailer, has abolished management roles in a bid to foster a more collaborative and egalitarian working environment. The company has adopted a system known as ‘holacracy’, a method of decentralised management where power is distributed among self-organising teams rather than being vested in a management hierarchy. Zappos believes this approach will boost innovation, agility, and engagement among its employees.

Holacracy is not without its critics. Some argue that it is a utopian concept that disregards human nature’s inherent need for structure and leadership. Nevertheless, Zappos is not alone in its experiment with this management model. Other companies, such as Medium, the online publishing platform, and David Allen Company, a productivity training firm, have also embraced holacracy.

The move towards eliminating traditional management roles reflects a broader shift in business thinking. More companies are recognising the benefits of empowering their employees and fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. Whether holacracy proves to be a successful model for Zappos and others remains to be seen, but its adoption signals a willingness to challenge established norms and explore new ways of working.

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