Uber, the ride-hailing giant, is waging a two-front war. First, it’s battling regulators and taxi companies, who accuse it of operating illegally. Uber’s argument is that it’s a technology platform, not a transport service, and therefore doesn’t fall under traditional taxi regulations. It’s been a tough fight, with bans and restrictions in various cities and countries.

Second, Uber is competing with other tech companies and startups in the same space. It’s using aggressive pricing and heavy marketing to gain market share. Also, it’s leveraging its vast amount of data to improve its service and stay ahead of competitors.

Uber’s success hinges on winning both fronts. If it loses to regulators, it could be shut down or severely restricted. If it loses to competitors, it could lose customers and revenue.

Uber’s strategy is to grow as quickly as possible and become so popular that regulators will be forced to accommodate it. This approach has worked in some places, but not everywhere. It’s a high-risk strategy, but if it works, the rewards could be enormous.

In the end, Uber is not only fighting for its survival but also shaping the future of transportation. It’s a battle that’s far from over.

Go to source article: http://stratechery.com/2014/uber-fights/