Reza Aslan, a religious scholar, criticises the ‘new atheism’ movement, led by figures like Richard Dawkins and Sam Harris, for its fundamentalist approach to religion. Aslan argues that these atheists are not the real concern; instead, it’s the apologists for religion who present a problem. He believes that these individuals often overlook the harmful aspects of religion, such as misogyny and homophobia, in an attempt to defend it.

Aslan also critiques the ‘new atheists’ for their lack of understanding of religion, claiming they dismiss it as mere superstition without acknowledging its cultural and historical significance. He suggests that their approach is simplistic and fails to recognise the complexity of religious belief. Aslan argues that religion is not just about belief in God, but also involves a set of cultural and societal norms and values.

Despite his criticisms of ‘new atheism’, Aslan does not dismiss atheism as a whole. He believes that atheism, like religion, has a place in society and can provide a valuable perspective on life and morality. However, he argues that it must be willing to engage in nuanced discussions about religion, rather than dismissing it outright.

Aslan’s views highlight the ongoing debate about the role of religion in society and the need for a more nuanced understanding of religious belief and atheism. His criticisms of ‘new atheism’ and religious apologists suggest a need for more balanced and informed discussions about religion.

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