Mysterious plasma blobs have been discovered in deep space, and scientists are yet to understand why they exist. These blobs are large, opaque and emit no light, making them difficult to detect. However, they have been found to distort the radio waves that pass through them, which is how they were discovered. These blobs are thought to be composed of plasma, a state of matter that consists of free electrons and ions.

The plasma blobs are scattered throughout the universe and are believed to be remnants from the early universe. They are theorised to be the result of cosmic strings, hypothetical 1-dimensional defects in the universe. These strings are believed to have been created in the early universe and could potentially stretch across the entire universe. However, their existence is yet to be proven.

These blobs could also be the result of the interactions between galaxies. As galaxies move through the universe, they can leave behind trails of gas. This gas can then become ionised by radiation, creating blobs of plasma. This theory, however, does not explain the large size of the blobs, leading to more questions about their origin.

The discovery of these plasma blobs could potentially provide insights into the early universe and the nature of dark matter. Further research is needed to understand their origin and composition.

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