Four myths that bosses commonly believe about employee engagement are debunked. Firstly, it is not true that employees are either engaged or disengaged. Engagement is a spectrum, and it’s crucial to recognise that employees can move along this spectrum depending on circumstances. Secondly, while it’s often thought that money is the key to engagement, research indicates that it is not the primary motivator. Employees are more likely to be engaged when they feel valued and have opportunities for growth.

Thirdly, it’s a misconception that happy employees are engaged employees. Happiness and engagement are different; an employee could be happy at work but not invested in its success. Finally, it’s incorrect to assume that engagement is the sole responsibility of the manager. It’s a two-way process; employees also have a role in maintaining their own engagement.

Addressing these misconceptions can lead to more effective strategies for boosting employee engagement, which can, in turn, improve productivity and overall business performance.

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