“Black Boxes” delves into the concept of technology as a ‘black box’, a device that performs complex tasks without revealing its inner workings. The phenomenon is likened to magic, with Arthur C. Clarke’s Third Law cited as a reference point: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic”. In essence, the less we understand about a piece of technology, the more it appears magical to us.

The post further explores the potential dangers of this ‘magic’. As technology becomes more complex, our understanding becomes more limited, leading to a dangerous over-reliance on these ‘black boxes’. This is particularly troubling in the case of critical systems such as air traffic control or nuclear power plants, where a lack of understanding could have catastrophic consequences.

The post concludes by emphasising the importance of transparency in technology. It suggests that we must strive to understand these ‘black boxes’ to some degree, or at least ensure that there are those who do. This is crucial in order to mitigate the risks associated with our increasing dependence on complex technology.

Go to source article: https://mmitii.mattballantine.com/2016/05/19/black-boxes/