Startups need to adopt a flexible approach to analytics, adjusting their focus as they move through different stages of their lifecycle. Initially, startups should concentrate on product analytics, ensuring that their product is meeting market needs and customer expectations. This involves measuring product usage and customer feedback to make necessary improvements.

As startups establish product-market fit, they should shift their focus to marketing analytics. This involves analysing customer acquisition channels to identify the most effective ones and optimising them for better results. This stage is crucial for startups as it directly impacts their growth and scalability.

In the growth stage, startups should focus on financial analytics, closely monitoring their revenue, costs, and profitability. They should also keep track of key financial metrics like customer lifetime value (CLV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC).

Finally, in the maturity stage, startups should concentrate on predictive analytics, using historical data to predict future trends and make informed business decisions. This helps them stay ahead of the competition and maintain their market position.

In essence, startups should use analytics as a strategic tool throughout their lifecycle, adjusting their focus as they evolve and grow.

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