Facebook reigns supreme among social networks and messaging services, boasting an impressive 1.9 billion active users. WhatsApp, a Facebook-owned messaging app, follows closely with 1.2 billion users. Facebook Messenger, another offshoot of the social media giant, rounds out the top three with 1.2 billion users as well.

Chinese platforms WeChat and QQ are hot on their heels, each with 889 million and 868 million users respectively. Instagram, another Facebook acquisition, has 600 million users, outpacing Twitter’s 319 million. The latter is closely trailed by Weibo, China’s answer to Twitter, which has 313 million users.

In the lower ranks, Pinterest and Snapchat boast 150 million users each. Skype trails with 74 million users, while LinkedIn, a professional networking site, has 106 million users. Viber, a call and messaging app, has 260 million users.

The data reveals Facebook’s dominance in the social media landscape, with its acquisitions WhatsApp and Instagram also ranking highly. Chinese platforms are also significant players, with WeChat and QQ each having hundreds of millions of users. However, Twitter, Pinterest, and Snapchat lag behind, each with fewer than 500 million users. LinkedIn and Skype also have relatively low user counts.

Go to source article: https://www.statista.com/chart/5194/active-users-of-social-networks-and-messaging-services/