UK businesses lag behind their European counterparts in the use of workplace apps, according to a study by Okta. The study found that UK firms use an average of 88 apps, compared to 94 in France and 97 in Germany. The Netherlands tops the list with 113 apps per business.
Despite this, the use of apps is growing in the UK, with a 68% increase in the past five years. The most popular apps are Microsoft 365, Salesforce, and Amazon Web Services, with Zoom and Slack also seeing a significant rise in usage due to the pandemic.
The study also found a correlation between the number of apps used and a company’s growth. Companies using over 200 apps grew 60% faster than those using fewer. However, this increased use of apps comes with security risks, with 40% of companies reporting an increase in phishing attacks.
The study suggests that businesses need to strike a balance between utilising apps for growth and ensuring their cyber security is robust. The rise in remote working due to the pandemic has made this balance even more crucial.
The survey also revealed that 78% of workers want their employers to provide more digital tools, but 85% also want better training on how to use them. This indicates a demand for businesses to not only adopt more apps but also invest in training to ensure their effective use.
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