Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO, spent 2016 creating Jarvis, an artificial intelligence system for his home. Jarvis, named after the virtual assistant in Iron Man, can learn tastes and patterns, new words or concepts, and even entertain Zuckerberg’s daughter. It uses several artificial intelligence techniques, including natural language processing, speech and face recognition, and reinforcement learning.

Jarvis is connected to everything in the Zuckerberg household, from lights, temperature, and music to the toaster. It can recognise who is speaking to it, understand context, and respond in a synthesised voice. Zuckerberg found that voice is a more efficient and natural interface than apps or touch screens for many tasks, and he primarily interacts with Jarvis through a dedicated app or Facebook Messenger.

Developing Jarvis revealed several challenges and opportunities for the future of AI. One challenge was connecting different systems in the home, as most appliances aren’t yet connected to the internet. Another was training the system to understand context and to learn from humans. Despite these challenges, Zuckerberg believes AI will soon understand and learn from people better than people do from each other. He also predicts that in 10 years, AI will be able to monitor health, increasing human potential and improving lives.

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