There’s a ‘delete button’ in your brain that can help remove unnecessary information and make you more productive. This process, known as synaptic pruning, happens when the brain eliminates synapses, the connections between neurons. Synaptic pruning is particularly active during adolescence, helping to refine the brain’s circuitry.

Sleep is a crucial factor in this process. During sleep, your brain clears out some synapses to make room for new, more important connections. The brain cells shrink by up to 60% to create space for these synapses, effectively hitting the ‘delete button’.

Glial cells, specifically the microglial cells, perform the role of gardeners in the brain, trimming away the synapses that are not needed. The more you use a synapse, the stronger it becomes and the less likely it is to be pruned.

Exercise and learning new things can also help to increase the number of synapses in the brain. By focusing on what is important and letting go of the unnecessary, you can make your brain more efficient and productive.

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