Artificial intelligence (AI) has seen significant progress over the last few decades, but it is currently in a stagnant phase. The existing model of AI, which is based on learning from patterns in data, has reached its limits. This model cannot understand the world or make judgements about it. AI’s inability to comprehend the world as humans do restricts its potential.

To move AI forward, a new approach is needed. This approach should integrate deep learning, which recognises patterns in data, with symbolic reasoning, which involves rules and logic. This combination could enable AI to understand the world and make judgements about it.

The integration of deep learning and symbolic reasoning is challenging due to the complexity of the world and the vast amount of data that AI needs to process. However, some progress has been made. For instance, the development of neural networks that can perform basic symbolic reasoning tasks.

The future of AI depends on the integration of deep learning and symbolic reasoning. This integration will not only push AI forward but will also have significant implications for society and the economy. The development of AI that can understand the world and make judgements about it could transform industries, create new jobs and improve the quality of life.

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