Fully remote KJ Technique workshops are a viable and effective method for brainstorming and problem-solving. This method, also known as an affinity diagram, involves grouping ideas into clusters to identify patterns and discover underlying issues. The process is divided into three stages: idea generation, silent grouping, and naming.

In a remote setting, tools like Google Slides can be used to replicate the physical process. Participants can create digital sticky notes for idea generation, move them around for silent grouping, and add labels for naming.

One of the main challenges of remote KJ Technique workshops is ensuring everyone is engaged and contributing. To address this, facilitators can use video calls for real-time communication and screen sharing for transparency.

Another challenge is managing the process in a virtual environment. Facilitators can overcome this by providing clear instructions, using timers for each stage, and maintaining control over the shared workspace.

Despite these challenges, remote KJ Technique workshops offer several benefits. They eliminate geographical constraints, allow for greater flexibility, and enable participation from a wider range of individuals. Furthermore, digital tools offer additional features like text search and easy duplication, enhancing the overall process.

In conclusion, with the right tools and approach, fully remote KJ Technique workshops can be a powerful tool for collaborative problem-solving.

Go to source article: https://intenseminimalism.com/2017/fully-remote-kj-technique-workshop/