Digital capability is an essential component for long-term marketing success, requiring a combination of skills, culture, and infrastructure. The digital capability framework, a tool used to assess and improve this capability, is divided into four areas: strategy, people, process, and technology.

Strategy focuses on the understanding and use of digital in the business context, including customer insight, digital trends, and competitor analysis. It’s crucial to have a clear vision and objectives for digital, along with a roadmap for achieving them.

People’s aspect involves the skills and capabilities of the team, both individually and collectively. Training, development, and recruitment are vital to ensure the team has the necessary digital skills.

Process includes the methods and practices used to manage digital work. Agile and lean methodologies are often used, along with good project management and governance.

Technology is the infrastructure, tools, and platforms used to deliver digital services. It’s essential to have the right technology in place and ensure it’s used effectively.

Organisations that excel in these four areas are more likely to succeed in the digital world. They’re better equipped to adapt to changes, make informed decisions, and deliver superior customer experiences. By focusing on improving digital capability, businesses can achieve long-term marketing success.

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