Mattermost has unveiled a new ChatOps feature, offering a streamlined way for teams to collaborate and automate tasks. This innovative tool allows users to execute commands directly from chat channels, minimising context-switching and improving productivity. The ChatOps feature supports a variety of scripting languages and automation tools, including Python, Ansible, and Terraform.

The feature also allows for the creation of custom commands, enabling teams to tailor the tool to their specific needs. For example, a command could be created to deploy a new server, run a script, or even order pizza for the team. This level of customisation enhances efficiency and reduces the need for manual intervention.

Mattermost ChatOps also integrates with the platform’s existing features, such as the ability to create and manage incidents. This integration ensures a seamless user experience and further boosts productivity. With this new feature, Mattermost aims to redefine workplace communication and collaboration, making it more efficient and effective.

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