“Except for the Miracles” delves into the paradoxical nature of modern medicine’s miracles and their inherent limitations. Despite vast advancements, healthcare still grapples with an inability to fully eradicate human suffering or death. This paradox stems from the fact that while modern medicine can perform wonders, it cannot entirely eliminate the inevitability of human mortality.

The piece also explores the concept of “medicalisation,” where aspects of life previously considered natural are now viewed as medical issues. This shift has led to an over-reliance on medical interventions, often at the expense of understanding and accepting the natural processes of life and death.

The narrative of “miracle” cures often overshadows the reality that these treatments are not universally accessible. Wealthy nations and individuals can access advanced healthcare, while the poor are left to grapple with basic health issues. This inequality is a stark reminder of the social and economic disparities in global health.

Finally, the article challenges the notion of “health” as a state of complete physical wellbeing. It suggests that health should be viewed more holistically, incorporating mental and social wellbeing, rather than just the absence of disease. This perspective could lead to a more equitable and realistic approach to healthcare, acknowledging the limitations of medical miracles and the importance of overall wellbeing.

Go to source article: https://thebaffler.com/salvos/except-for-the-miracles-taiwo