Agile managers leverage uncertainty to make superior decisions faster. They view uncertainty as an opportunity, rather than a threat, and use it to their advantage. By understanding that decisions are not permanent and can be adjusted as new information becomes available, they reduce the time spent on decision-making and increase the speed of delivery.

Agile managers adopt an iterative approach to decision-making, breaking down large decisions into smaller, manageable pieces. This allows them to gather feedback and adjust their approach as necessary, without having to commit to a single path from the outset.

They also foster a culture of transparency and openness, encouraging team members to share their insights and concerns. This collective intelligence aids in making informed decisions and mitigating risks.

Furthermore, agile managers embrace a learning mindset, viewing every decision as an opportunity to learn and improve. They accept that mistakes will happen and see them as valuable learning experiences, not failures.

Finally, they use visual management tools to track progress and make decisions visible, promoting accountability and enabling quicker adjustments. This approach not only speeds up decision-making but also improves the quality of decisions, leading to better outcomes.

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