Exploring team taxonomy in digital, data, and technology organisations, the focus is on understanding the different types of teams that exist and their functions. The taxonomy is split into two main categories: outcome teams and enabling teams. Outcome teams are customer-facing and work towards delivering a product or service. There are three types of outcome teams: product teams, service teams, and platform teams. Product teams focus on a specific product, service teams oversee a collection of related products, and platform teams offer shared components across the organisation.

Enabling teams, on the other hand, provide support and resources to outcome teams. They consist of capability teams, which help build skills and provide expert advice, and delivery teams, which offer tools and processes to aid delivery.

The taxonomy also identifies a third category, leadership teams, which align the organisation towards a common goal.

This taxonomy can help organisations understand their structure better, identify gaps, and plan for growth. It also assists in creating a shared language across the organisation, fostering better communication and collaboration. The taxonomy is flexible and can be adapted to meet an organisation’s specific needs. It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a guide to help organisations structure their teams effectively.

Go to source article: https://emilywebber.co.uk/team-taxonomies-for-digital-data-and-technology-organisations/