Kafka’s aphorism, “A cage went in search of a bird,” is applied to the modern world, particularly in relation to technology. The idea is that technology, like a cage, is often built in anticipation of something yet to come, or a bird that has not yet been found. This concept is illustrated through the example of the internet, originally designed for academics and the military, which has since evolved into a tool for social media, commerce, and entertainment.

The aphorism also suggests an element of coercion or manipulation, with the cage seeking to capture the bird. This is seen in the way technology companies design their products to create needs and desires that were not previously there, effectively ‘capturing’ consumers. The concept of ‘surveillance capitalism’ is introduced, where technology is used to gather data on users’ behaviours and preferences, which is then used to predict and influence their future actions.

The article concludes with a call for more ethical and responsible use of technology, warning against the potential dangers of unchecked technological development. It suggests that just as a bird might resist being caged, individuals and societies should resist being manipulated by technology.

Go to source article: http://crookedtimber.org/2019/11/18/a-cage-went-in-search-of-a-bird/