Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurological condition that affects millions worldwide. It is characterised by impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention, and is typically treated with medication. However, research suggests that the symptoms of ADHD could be a result of a lack of regular engagement with nature.

Studies show that individuals with ADHD are more focused after spending time in natural, green settings. This is due to the fact that natural environments offer a form of gentle, bottom-up attention, which is different from the top-down attention required in urban environments. In green spaces, the brain can relax and recover, improving concentration and reducing symptoms of ADHD.

In addition, children with ADHD who play in green outdoor spaces have less severe symptoms than those who play indoors or in built outdoor environments. This implies that exposure to nature could be a natural, non-pharmaceutical treatment for ADHD.

Despite this, modern lifestyles often limit access to nature, which could be contributing to the rise in ADHD diagnoses. Therefore, it is crucial to create more opportunities for children to engage with nature, such as green schoolyards and outdoor learning, to help manage ADHD symptoms.

In summary, nature could be a simple, effective solution for managing ADHD symptoms, offering a compelling argument for more green spaces in urban environments.

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