Agents and agentic workflows are the future of work, transforming how tasks are completed and enhancing productivity. Agents, digital or human, are programmed or trained to perform specific roles, while agentic workflows use these agents to complete tasks. The power of agents lies in their ability to learn and adapt, making them more efficient over time.

Agentic workflows utilise these agents to create a dynamic, adaptable work process. They can be adjusted according to the task at hand, making them flexible and efficient. By harnessing the power of both human and digital agents, agentic workflows can optimise productivity and streamline processes.

The integration of agents into workflows also allows for better collaboration. Agents can work together, sharing knowledge and skills to complete tasks more effectively. This collaborative approach can lead to improved outcomes and increased efficiency.

Agentic workflows are not without their challenges, though. They require careful management and regular updates to ensure they remain effective. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits of agentic workflows make them a promising prospect for the future of work. They represent a shift towards a more flexible, adaptable, and collaborative approach to completing tasks.

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