Agile methodologies, once innovative and transformative, are now being misused and misunderstood. Agile’s original purpose was to aid in the development of software through iterative and incremental methods, enabling teams to respond to unpredictability. However, it has been hijacked by businesses and turned into a prescriptive process, losing its original essence.

Many businesses now see Agile as a set of rituals, rather than a mindset or a culture. This has led to companies focusing on the process, rather than the product, leading to a decline in creativity, innovation, and quality.

The word ‘Agile’ has become a marketing ploy, used to sell services and tools that promise to make companies more efficient. This commodification has led to a superficial understanding of Agile, where businesses focus on achieving ‘Agile’ status, rather than understanding and implementing its principles.

The misuse of Agile has led to a call for its retirement. Instead, there’s a need for a new approach that prioritises individuals and interactions over processes and tools, working software over comprehensive documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiation, and responding to change over following a plan. This approach should promote a culture of learning, collaboration, and innovation, rather than rigid adherence to a set of rules.

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