Traditional change programmes, with their top-down approach, are increasingly failing to deliver the desired results. They often lack agility and responsiveness, and tend to impose solutions rather than harness the collective intelligence of the organisation. Instead, businesses should consider adopting a change platform. This is a space where employees can identify problems, propose solutions, and launch initiatives. It’s a bottom-up approach that encourages participation and innovation.

Change platforms are more effective because they are adaptive, engaging, and inclusive. They can respond to changing circumstances and can generate a continuous stream of fresh ideas. They also foster a sense of ownership and commitment among employees. For a successful change platform, leaders must create an open and trusting environment, provide resources and support, and be willing to let go of control.

While change platforms require a significant shift in mindset and leadership style, they have the potential to transform organisations. They can create a culture of continuous learning, innovation, and improvement. They can also enhance employee engagement, satisfaction, and retention. Therefore, businesses should consider moving away from traditional change programmes and towards change platforms.

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