Transitioning executives can significantly influence an organisation’s culture, often being catalysts for change. However, these changes can be challenging, with only 14% of executives believing they are successful in changing their company’s culture. Often, the issue lies in identifying what needs to change, as many executives struggle to pinpoint the aspects of their organisation’s culture that are detrimental.
A four-step process can be used by executives to facilitate cultural change. Firstly, diagnosing culture involves understanding the current culture, including its strengths and weaknesses. Next, the executive should identify the desired culture and articulate what it looks like. The third step involves creating a roadmap to transition from the current to the desired culture, while the final step is to make the change happen by implementing the roadmap.
Executives must also be aware of the potential pitfalls during this process. For instance, failure to consider all aspects of culture can lead to a narrow focus, while not engaging employees can result in resistance to change. Moreover, executives need to be patient, as cultural change can take time. Despite these challenges, successful cultural change can result in increased performance and employee engagement.
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