Chris Herd predicts that remote work will be the most transformative change in our generation. He argues that the ability to work from anywhere will unlock significant benefits.

Firstly, it will allow people to live wherever they want, eliminating the need for expensive city living. This could lead to the revitalisation of rural areas and smaller towns.

Secondly, it will increase productivity. Without the need for commuting, people will have more time to focus on their work.

Thirdly, it will improve diversity. Companies will be able to hire from anywhere, allowing them to access a broader pool of talent.

Fourthly, remote work will reduce the carbon footprint. Fewer commutes mean less pollution.

Fifthly, it will improve mental health. Remote workers report feeling less stressed and happier in their jobs.

Lastly, it will lead to the rise of asynchronous work. This means that people will be able to work at their own pace, rather than being tied to a 9-5 schedule.

Herd also notes that companies will need to adapt to this change, focusing on building a culture of trust and investing in technology to facilitate remote work.

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