Daimler AG, the German automaker, has launched an incubator in Silicon Valley to foster start-ups that could shape the future of mobility. The incubator, known as Lab1886, will provide selected start-ups with the resources and support they need to develop their ideas into market-ready products. Lab1886 has already helped to launch several successful projects, including a ride-sharing service in Germany and an energy storage company.
Daimler’s move signals a shift in the automotive industry, as traditional automakers look to Silicon Valley for innovation and adapt to changes in consumer behaviour. The rise of ride-sharing and the increasing popularity of electric vehicles are prompting automakers to rethink their strategies and invest in new technologies.
The incubator is part of Daimler’s broader strategy to transform itself from a traditional automaker into a mobility services provider. By fostering innovative start-ups, Daimler hopes to stay ahead of the competition and shape the future of the automotive industry. The company believes that the success of Lab1886 will be a crucial factor in its transformation.
The launch of Lab1886 in Silicon Valley follows successful launches in Stuttgart, Berlin, and Beijing. Daimler plans to open additional incubators in other major cities around the world to further its global reach and influence in the mobility sector.
Go to source article: http://www.sfchronicle.com/business/article/Daimler-inaugurates-incubator-in-Silicon-Valley-12094190.php