Digital transformation necessitates a new style of leadership, according to a report by the Harvard Business Review Analytic Services. The survey, involving over 500 business and IT leaders, found that 80% of respondents believe their organisation’s leadership needs to change to successfully navigate digital transformation. Traditional leadership skills, such as decision-making and problem-solving, are still crucial but need to be combined with new skills like agility and a willingness to take risks.
The report also highlighted the importance of fostering a culture of innovation. Over half of the respondents said that their company’s culture was the biggest hurdle to digital transformation. To overcome this, leaders must encourage employees to experiment, take risks, and learn from failure. The report suggests that leaders must also be more collaborative and inclusive, breaking down silos and promoting cross-functional collaboration.
Despite the importance of these new skills, the report found that only 20% of companies are developing them. This suggests a significant gap between the leadership skills that are needed for digital transformation and those currently being developed. The report concludes that companies must prioritise leadership development to ensure they can successfully navigate the digital landscape.
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