The Operations Maturity Model (OMM) is a framework that helps organisations understand their operational maturity and guides them towards continuous improvement. It comprises five levels: initial, managed, defined, quantified, and optimising. At the initial level, processes are unpredictable and poorly controlled, leading to chaotic results. Managed level organisations have processes that are repeatable and possibly documented, but still reactive. Defined level organisations have proactive and standardised processes, while Quantified level organisations measure and control their processes to achieve specific goals. At the optimising level, processes are continually improved through incremental and innovative changes.

The OMM also outlines three transformational stages: foundation, transition, and acceleration. Foundation stage involves establishing a baseline of current operations, identifying areas of improvement, and creating a plan. Transition stage involves executing the plan, measuring its effectiveness, and making necessary adjustments. The acceleration stage involves scaling the successful processes across the organisation.

The OMM is not a one-size-fits-all model. It is designed to be adaptable to the unique needs and circumstances of each organisation. It encourages organisations to progress at their own pace and not to rush through the stages. It also emphasises the importance of collaboration and communication in achieving operational maturity.

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