Institutions, much like biological organisms, possess immune systems that resist changes threatening their existence. This ‘institutional immune system’ is often underestimated in its strength and tenacity. It is composed of three key elements: antibodies, belief systems, and metrics. Antibodies are individuals within the institution who feel threatened by change and actively resist it. Belief systems are the shared values and norms that dictate the institution’s operations. Metrics, the measures of success, often support the status quo and discourage deviation.

Innovation, a key driver of change, poses a significant threat to the institutional immune system. It disrupts established patterns, provoking a strong response from the immune system. To overcome this, the proponents of change must understand the immune system and develop strategies to counteract it. These strategies could include finding allies within the institution, creating a compelling narrative for change, and demonstrating early wins to gain support.

The institutional immune system, while a formidable barrier to change, can be overcome. It requires a deep understanding of its components and a strategic approach to neutralise its resistance. Despite the challenges, overcoming the institutional immune system is crucial for fostering innovation and driving change.

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