Disruption is a hot topic in business circles, often misinterpreted or overused. True disruption, as coined by Clayton Christensen, refers to a process where smaller companies with fewer resources manage to challenge established industry leaders. Disruption is not about big, bold ideas or breakthrough innovations, but rather about a continuous journey of learning and adapting.
In the current landscape, disruption is becoming increasingly challenging due to three factors. Firstly, there is a shift from knowledge stocks to knowledge flows, meaning that learning faster is more valuable than knowing more. Secondly, the pace of change is accelerating, making it more difficult for companies to keep up. Lastly, there’s a transition from a world of scarcity to a world of abundance, which alters the dynamics of competition.
These factors necessitate a new approach to strategy and operations. Instead of focusing on protecting and exploiting existing knowledge stocks, companies should be looking to participate in a broader range of knowledge flows. This requires a shift from a mindset of “scalable efficiency” to one of “scalable learning”. To remain competitive in this rapidly changing environment, companies need to learn faster and harness the power of pull to access resources when and where they are needed.
Go to source article: http://edgeperspectives.typepad.com/edge_perspectives/2014/06/the-disruption-debate.html