Intranets are evolving rapidly, with five key trends set to redefine the employee experience in 2023. First, intranets are becoming increasingly personalised, with AI-driven content recommendations and targeted communications. Second, they’re becoming more social, with features like employee recognition, peer-to-peer learning, and chatbots becoming commonplace. Third, they’re becoming more integrated, linking up with a wide range of other work tools to create a more seamless user experience.

Fourth, intranets are becoming more mobile-friendly, reflecting the shift towards remote and flexible working. This means more responsive design, mobile apps, and offline access. Finally, intranets are becoming more data-driven, with analytics and metrics playing a key role in shaping content and functionality.

These trends are not just about technology, but about changing the way we work and communicate. They’re about creating a more engaging, collaborative, and productive work environment. And they’re about putting employees at the heart of the intranet, giving them the tools, information, and connections they need to do their best work.

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