Harald Schirmer discovered a new breed of change agents, known as “Guides”, during a corporate transformation project. Guides are passionate, self-motivated individuals who are enthusiastic about change and eager to support others through it. These individuals do not necessarily hold high-ranking positions but are influential due to their positive attitudes and commitment to progress.

Schirmer identified these Guides through a process of observation and dialogue, noting their eagerness to share knowledge and their ability to inspire colleagues. He also found that Guides are often the ones who ask probing questions, challenge the status quo, and are open to new ideas.

Once identified, Guides were invited to participate in a special training programme. The programme provided them with the skills and knowledge to support their colleagues during the transformation process. This included training in communication, change management, and conflict resolution.

The Guides have proven to be successful in driving change within the organisation. They have helped to increase acceptance of new processes, improved team dynamics, and have been instrumental in creating a more open and collaborative culture.

Overall, the discovery and utilisation of Guides have significantly enhanced the success of corporate transformation efforts. They have demonstrated that change can be achieved more effectively when driven by passionate, committed individuals from within the organisation.

Go to source article: http://www.harald-schirmer.de/2016/12/06/guides-how-i-found-the-most-passionate-change-agents/