Kode9, also known as Steve Goodman, has unveiled his new album, “Nothing”. The record is his first solo effort, following the death of his long-time collaborator, The Spaceape, last year. Goodman, who is also a lecturer in music culture, founded the influential Hyperdub label. The album’s title, “Nothing”, reflects Goodman’s interest in the concept of zero, not only in mathematics but also in philosophy and spirituality.

The album is a reflection of Goodman’s fascination with the idea of emptiness and the void. His work is influenced by his academic research into sonic warfare and the use of sound and vibration in conflict. Goodman’s music is described as a sonic representation of the void, using silence and space as key elements.

Goodman admits that the process of creating the album was challenging. He had to confront the loss of his friend and collaborator, as well as his own mortality. Despite the heavy themes, the album is not morose but rather a celebration of the void and the potential it holds. Goodman’s music is not just about the absence of sound, but the potential for new sounds and ideas to emerge from that absence.

“Nothing” is a testament to Goodman’s ability to transform complex ideas into compelling music. It is a record that challenges the listener to confront their own understanding of sound and silence, and the potential that lies within the void.

Go to source article: http://www.theguardian.com/music/2015/nov/16/kode9-nothing-album-steve-goodman-hyperdub-interview