Organisations often stifle creativity and innovation by clinging to established norms and processes. This happens when they prioritise maintaining the status quo over fostering new ideas. The fear of change and the unknown can lead to an environment that discourages risk-taking and experimentation. In such settings, people who propose novel ideas are often viewed as troublemakers rather than innovators.

The tendency to value agreement over conflict is another factor that kills creativity. In many organisations, dissent is seen as a threat rather than a catalyst for innovation. This can lead to groupthink, where everyone agrees with the majority view to avoid conflict, resulting in a lack of diversity in ideas and perspectives.

Furthermore, organisations often fall into the trap of over-planning. While planning is essential, excessive focus on it can restrict flexibility and adaptability, crucial factors for innovation. Over-planning can also lead to an over-reliance on data, causing organisations to ignore the importance of intuition and gut feeling in decision-making.

Lastly, the pressure to deliver immediate results can stifle long-term innovation. Quick fixes and short-term solutions are often prioritised over long-term strategies that require time and patience but potentially yield more significant benefits. This short-term focus can discourage individuals from pursuing innovative ideas that may not produce immediate results.

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