Meetings can be made more effective and efficient through careful planning and facilitation. A well-structured meeting should start with a clear agenda, stating the purpose and desired outcomes. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and focused on the task at hand.

Active facilitation is crucial in steering the meeting towards its goals. The facilitator should encourage participation, manage time effectively, and ensure that all voices are heard. They should also summarise key points and decisions made throughout the session to keep everyone aligned.

To foster engagement, meetings should allow for open dialogue and debate, but also maintain a respectful and inclusive environment. The facilitator can use various techniques such as “rounds” for sharing thoughts, “breakouts” for focused discussions, or “dot voting” to prioritise topics.

Post-meeting follow-ups are equally important. Action items and responsibilities should be clearly defined and communicated, ensuring accountability and progress.

By incorporating these strategies, meetings can become a productive and enjoyable part of the workweek, rather than a dreaded obligation.

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