Design consultants often face the challenge of moving the ‘elephant’ – a metaphor for a large, complex problem that is hard to budge. To tackle this, a three-pronged approach is recommended. Firstly, understanding the ‘elephant’ is crucial; this involves identifying its size, shape and weight. This could mean recognising the complexity of a client’s problem, understanding the business environment or getting to grips with the project’s scope.
Secondly, one must find the ‘leverage points’ – the areas where a small push can create a big impact. This could involve identifying the key decision-makers, understanding the company’s values or pinpointing the most critical parts of the project.
Thirdly, the ‘push’ itself is vital. This is the action that will move the ‘elephant’. It could be a new strategy, a design concept or a change in the company’s culture. This ‘push’ needs to be carefully planned and executed, using the leverage points identified earlier.
In summary, to move the ‘elephant’, one must understand it, find the leverage points, and then push. This approach can help design consultants tackle complex problems and deliver successful projects.
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