Solving the ‘cold start’ problem, a common challenge for social products, requires strategic planning. The problem arises when a product relies on network effects to provide value, but initially lacks a user base. This issue can be tackled in three main ways: single-player mode, importing an existing network, and building a new network.

Single-player mode is about creating value for the user before the network effect kicks in. This strategy is effective for services like Foursquare or Instagram, where users can utilise the product without needing a network of friends.

Importing an existing network is another solution, often adopted by products like Facebook or LinkedIn. These platforms encourage users to import their existing connections from email or other social networks, creating instant value.

Building a new network, the third strategy, is the most challenging. It requires creating a product so compelling that people are willing to invite others. Snapchat is an example of this approach, having built a new network from scratch.

In conclusion, understanding the nature of your product and the needs of your users is crucial in deciding which strategy to adopt to overcome the ‘cold start’ problem.

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