Service mapping is a process that provides a holistic overview of government services, enabling identification of common patterns and areas for improvement. It was first trialled by the Government Digital Service (GDS) in 2017, with the aim of understanding how services are delivered, identifying overlaps and gaps, and uncovering opportunities for improvement.
The GDS team embarked on a 10-week project to map services related to ‘starting a business.’ The process involved three stages: discovery, alpha, and beta. In the discovery phase, the team gathered information about the user journey, identified the key services involved, and mapped out the processes. During the alpha phase, they developed a prototype service map, which was then refined in the beta stage.
The project revealed several insights, such as the complexity of the user journey and the need for simplification. It also highlighted the importance of cross-government collaboration in improving service delivery.
Following the success of the pilot, service mapping is now being used across the government to improve services. It offers a valuable tool for understanding the user journey, identifying areas for improvement, and fostering cross-government collaboration.
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