A significant gene study has revealed new insights into African history, illuminating the migration patterns of early human populations. The study analysed the genetic material of 121 African populations, revealing that the San people of Southern Africa are likely the most direct descendants of the human ancestral population.

The research also revealed that the click-speaking Hadza and Sandawe tribes of Tanzania are genetically distinct from each other, refuting previous hypotheses that they stemmed from the same ancestral group due to their shared language. The researchers also found that the Bantu-speaking populations, who spread across Africa around 5000 years ago, mixed with the populations they encountered, resulting in significant genetic diversity.

The study provides a valuable resource for understanding human evolution and migration, offering a more nuanced picture of the genetic history of Africa. It also underscores the importance of including diverse African populations in genetic research to ensure a comprehensive understanding of human genetic diversity.

Interestingly, the study also revealed that African populations have maintained a high level of genetic diversity despite significant migrations and population mixings, which is vital for the survival and adaptation of species. This diversity could be a potential resource for identifying genetic factors associated with disease resistance, which could inform future medical research.

Go to source article: http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn17057-huge-gene-study-shines-new-light-on-african-history.html#.VPRRyUK8HcT