Kevin Kelly, founding executive editor of Wired magazine, is a proponent of embracing technology and its potential to shape human life. He argues that technology is an extension of life, with its own evolutionary path. Kelly suggests that we are not in control of technology’s development, but rather, it is an autonomous force that we can only steer slightly. He likens this to domesticating wild animals – we can guide their development, but we cannot dictate it.

Kelly also discusses the concept of technological inevitability, asserting that once a society reaches a certain level of complexity, certain technologies will inevitably emerge. He points to the simultaneous invention of calculus, the telephone, and the atomic bomb as examples.

He further delves into the idea of the ‘Technium’, a term he coined to describe the global interconnected system of technology. He views the Technium as a living, evolving organism that expands human possibilities and drives societal change.

Kelly’s optimistic outlook on technology is balanced with a cautionary note. He acknowledges the potential downsides, such as job displacement due to automation. However, he believes that new jobs will emerge and that continuous learning and adaptation are key to thriving in this technological era. Kelly’s vision of the future is one where humans and technology co-exist and co-evolve, in a symbiotic relationship.

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