Jim Hemerling, a senior partner at The Boston Consulting Group, discusses five strategic imperatives for leading in an era of constant change. He urges leaders to inspire through purpose, by creating a shared vision and values. This helps people to connect their work to something meaningful and bigger than themselves.

Secondly, Hemerling suggests going all in. Instead of approaching change in a piecemeal way, he recommends an all-encompassing approach that includes everyone and everything. He also emphasises the importance of enabling people with the capabilities they need to succeed in the new environment.

Additionally, he highlights the need to instil a culture of continuous learning. This is crucial in an era where the pace of change is accelerating. Employees should be encouraged to learn, unlearn and relearn as necessary.

Hemerling’s fourth imperative is to include everyone in the change process. He argues that change is not something that should be done to people, but rather something that people should be actively involved in.

Finally, Hemerling advises leaders to embody change themselves. They should not only lead the change, but also be the change. By modelling the behaviours they want to see, leaders can inspire their teams to embrace change.

Go to source article: https://www.ted.com/talks/jim_hemerling_5_ways_to_lead_in_an_era_of_constant_change/transcript